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Table 2
Distribution (number and percentage) and percentage change of census families by family structure, Canada, provinces and territories, 2011

Table 2
Distribution (number and percentage) and percentage change of census families by family structure, Canada, provinces and territories, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of distribution (number and percentage) and percentage change of census families by family structure. The information is grouped by region (appearing as row headers), total families, married couples, common-law couples, lone-parent families and percentage change for census families 2006 to 2011 , calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Region Total census families Married couples Common-law couples Lone-parent
change for census families
2006 to 2011
number number percentage number percentage number percentage
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2011.
Canada 9,389,700 6,293,950 67.0 1,567,910 16.7 1,527,840 16.3 5.5
Newfoundland and Labrador 159,385 114,335 71.7 20,630 12.9 24,420 15.3 2.3
Prince Edward Island 40,850 29,695 72.7 4,570 11.2 6,580 16.1 4.2
Nova Scotia 270,065 184,870 68.5 38,460 14.2 46,730 17.3 1.0
New Brunswick 224,590 152,460 67.9 35,945 16.0 36,185 16.1 3.1
Quebec 2,203,630 1,143,365 51.9 694,750 31.5 365,510 16.6 3.9
Ontario 3,612,205 2,612,895 72.3 394,670 10.9 604,640 16.7 5.5
Manitoba 327,875 232,635 71.0 39,060 11.9 56,185 17.1 4.8
Saskatchewan 285,370 202,765 71.1 35,785 12.5 46,820 16.4 6.7
Alberta 999,530 719,360 72.0 135,660 13.6 144,510 14.5 10.5
British Columbia 1,238,155 887,990 71.7 160,360 13.0 189,805 15.3 6.6
Yukon 9,330 5,080 54.4 2,340 25.1 1,915 20.5 11.9
Northwest Territories 10,930 5,465 50.0 3,135 28.7 2,330 21.3 0.5
Nunavut 7,780 3,040 39.1 2,545 32.7 2,195 28.2 10.6
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