Attribute information products

Attribute information products provide tabular information for use with mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS) applications.

What's new?

  • The downloadable version of GeoSuite was not produced for the 2021 Census. A GeoSuite data package containing all of the 2021 tables in CSV format is available for download.
  • The Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier (DGUID) has been added to the Geographic Attribute File and the correspondence files.
  • The correspondence files and Geographic Attribute File are only available in comma-separated value (CSV) format.

GeoSuite - thumbnail


GeoSuite is a tool used for data retrieval, query and tabular output. It allows users to explore the links between all standard levels of geography and to identify geographic codes, names, unique identifiers, and, where applicable, types, as well as land area and population and dwelling counts.

Geographic Attribute File - thumbnail

Geographic Attribute File

The Geographic Attribute File contains geographic data at the dissemination block level. The file includes geographic codes, land area, population and dwelling counts, names, unique identifiers, DGUIDs and types, where applicable.

Correspondence files - thumbnail

Correspondence files

The correspondence files contain unique identifiers for the current and previous census dissemination blocks and dissemination areas.

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