Percentage of the population aged 0 to 14 in 2021, by census tract (CT)

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This is a map showing the percentage of the population aged 0 to 14 in 2021, by census tracts for the census metropolitan area of St. Catharines - Niagara.

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For each census tract (CT) of a given census metropolitan area St. Catharines - Niagara, this table shows the category associated with the percentage of population aged 0 to 14 of the CT.

Percentage of population aged 0 to 14 category classifications are represented by different colours.
Category Percentage of population aged 0 to 14 Colour
1 ≥ 19.0% Dark green
2 16.0% to < 19.0% Medium dark green
3 13.0% to < 16.0% Medium light green
4 < 13.0% Light green
5 Not available White with a grey hatching

Census tracts are outlined with a medium grey line while census subdivisions are outlined with a dark grey line.

Where applicable, inset maps have been provided to permit greater visibility.



The following table lists the census tracts for St. Catharines - Niagara census metropolitan area, their associated data values and the category associated with these data values.

Census tracts for the census metropolitan area of St. Catharines - Niagara by the percentage of population aged 0 to 14, and associated category
Census tract name Percentage Category
5390001.00 12.8 4
5390002.00 10.5 4
5390003.01 16.9 2
5390003.03 16.6 2
5390003.04 14.8 3
5390004.01 16.0 2
5390004.02 14.4 3
5390005.00 8.3 4
5390006.00 14.7 3
5390007.01 15.0 3
5390007.02 19.0 1
5390008.00 14.1 3
5390009.00 12.9 4
5390010.00 12.8 4
5390011.00 16.6 2
5390012.01 11.3 4
5390012.02 14.4 3
5390013.01 14.2 3
5390013.02 19.2 1
5390014.01 16.3 2
5390014.02 14.1 3
5390014.03 13.1 3
5390015.00 9.7 4
5390016.01 13.1 3
5390016.02 14.9 3
5390017.01 12.2 4
5390017.02 12.1 4
5390018.01 13.2 3
5390018.02 12.6 4
5390018.03 12.0 4
5390019.00 12.3 4
5390020.00 17.5 2
5390100.00 10.3 4
5390101.00 13.9 3
5390102.01 18.1 2
5390102.02 18.8 2
5390102.03 22.8 1
5390110.00 4.9 4
5390111.00 12.1 4
5390112.00 13.7 3
5390200.00 13.8 3
5390201.00 14.9 3
5390202.00 26.3 1
5390203.01 15.7 3
5390203.02 17.3 2
5390204.00 11.1 4
5390205.00 10.1 4
5390206.00 13.0 3
5390207.00 11.5 4
5390208.00 12.6 4
5390209.03 15.5 3
5390209.04 15.2 3
5390209.05 14.2 3
5390209.06 8.8 4
5390210.01 16.9 2
5390210.02 21.2 1
5390211.00 15.2 3
5390212.00 12.3 4
5390213.00 13.5 3
5390214.00 12.6 4
5390215.00 13.4 3
5390220.01 13.5 3
5390220.02 14.0 3
5390221.00 17.4 2
5390230.00 16.0 2
5390240.01 13.3 3
5390240.02 11.4 4
5390241.00 17.2 2
5390242.02 17.8 2
5390242.03 16.9 2
5390242.04 21.3 1
5390300.00 14.1 3
5390301.00 14.2 3
5390302.00 19.5 1
5390303.00 13.3 3
5390304.00 14.4 3
5390305.00 15.6 3
5390306.00 13.4 3
5390307.00 14.5 3
5390308.00 13.0 3
5390309.00 14.6 3
5390310.01 11.6 4
5390310.02 17.5 2
5390311.02 13.0 3
5390311.03 15.5 3
5390311.04 14.9 3
5390320.00 14.0 3
5390321.00 11.9 4
5390322.00 12.1 4
5390323.00 15.8 3
5390324.00 12.8 4
5390330.00 13.4 3
5390331.01 15.2 3
5390331.02 12.7 4
5390332.00 14.7 3
5390333.00 12.9 4
5390334.01 12.3 4
5390334.02 12.6 4
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