Corrections and updates: Sampling and Weighting Technical Report

Product affected

Sampling and Weighting Technical Report (catalogue no. 99-002-X2011001)

Revised date

March 24, 2015


  1. In the English version of the report, to reflect the current terminology, instances of 'North American Indian' was changed to 'First Nations (North American Indian) single identity, 'Métis' was changed to 'Métis single identity,' and 'Inuit' was changed to 'Inuk (Inuit) single identity,' respectively in Table 3.3.1, Section 5.4 and Table 5.4.1.

    In the French version of the report, Table 3.3.1, Section 5.4 and Table 5.4.1, 'Indien de l'Amérique du Nord' was changed to 'Premières Nations (Indien de l'Amérique du Nord) – Identité unique,' 'Métis' was changed to 'Métis – Identité unique,' 'Inuit' was changed to 'Inuk (Inuit) – Identité unique,' 'Asiatique du sud' was changed to 'Sud-Asiatique,' and 'Latino-américain' was changed to 'Latino-Américain.'

    In both the French and English versions of the report, footnote 9 found in Section 5.4 was also updated. The term 'highest level of education' was replaced with 'highest certificate, diploma or degree' in the English version while 'le plus haut niveau de scolarité' was replaced with 'le plus haut certificat, diplôme ou grade.'

  2. In Table 7.1.2, the 'Average number of constraints dropped per WA' for 'Linearly dependant' and 'Nearly linearly dependant' were reversed (the correct figures are 1.7 and 10.2 respectively) in both the English and French versions of the report.


As described above, Table 3.3.1, Section 5.4 and Table 5.4.1 were updated with current terminology and Table 7.1.2 was corrected. Both the HTML and PDF versions were reissued.

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