Percentage of the population aged 0 to 14 in 2021, by census tract (CT)

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This is a map showing the percentage of the population aged 0 to 14 in 2021, by census tracts for the census metropolitan area of Ottawa - Gatineau.

Map description



For each census tract (CT) of a given census metropolitan area Ottawa - Gatineau, this table shows the category associated with the percentage of population aged 0 to 14 of the CT.

Percentage of population aged 0 to 14 category classifications are represented by different colours.
Category Percentage of population aged 0 to 14 Colour
1 ≥ 19.0% Dark green
2 16.0% to < 19.0% Medium dark green
3 13.0% to < 16.0% Medium light green
4 < 13.0% Light green
5 Not available White with a grey hatching

Census tracts are outlined with a medium grey line while census subdivisions are outlined with a dark grey line.

Where applicable, inset maps have been provided to permit greater visibility.



The following table lists the census tracts for Ottawa - Gatineau census metropolitan area, their associated data values and the category associated with these data values.

Census tracts for the census metropolitan area of Ottawa - Gatineau by the percentage of population aged 0 to 14, and associated category
Census tract name Percentage Category
5050001.04 10.6 4
5050001.05 16.7 2
5050001.06 16.9 2
5050001.07 17.3 2
5050001.08 15.3 3
5050001.09 22.2 1
5050001.10 18.3 2
5050002.01 15.7 3
5050002.02 14.7 3
5050002.04 7.4 4
5050002.05 19.7 1
5050002.06 13.9 3
5050003.00 13.2 3
5050004.00 10.3 4
5050005.00 15.7 3
5050006.00 16.2 2
5050007.01 13.2 3
5050007.02 22.6 1
5050007.03 16.5 2
5050008.00 14.1 3
5050009.00 15.2 3
5050010.00 19.4 1
5050011.01 13.9 3
5050011.03 5.2 4
5050011.04 14.4 3
5050012.00 20.7 1
5050013.00 13.3 3
5050014.00 22.0 1
5050015.00 9.3 4
5050016.00 17.6 2
5050017.00 16.0 2
5050018.00 11.0 4
5050019.00 12.5 4
5050020.01 12.2 4
5050020.02 14.8 3
5050021.00 15.4 3
5050022.00 19.2 1
5050023.01 13.0 3
5050023.02 13.6 3
5050024.00 14.1 3
5050025.00 14.1 3
5050026.00 12.6 4
5050027.00 13.9 3
5050028.00 17.4 2
5050029.00 17.2 2
5050030.00 10.2 4
5050031.00 9.7 4
5050032.01 11.2 4
5050032.02 15.1 3
5050033.01 15.9 3
5050033.02 15.2 3
5050034.00 17.6 2
5050035.00 7.4 4
5050036.00 13.8 3
5050037.01 4.6 4
5050037.02 4.7 4
5050038.00 5.9 4
5050039.00 9.9 4
5050040.00 7.4 4
5050041.00 11.7 4
5050042.00 8.8 4
5050043.00 12.5 4
5050044.00 17.0 2
5050045.01 15.1 3
5050045.02 11.7 4
5050046.00 10.1 4
5050047.00 5.3 4
5050048.00 5.0 4
5050049.00 4.9 4
5050050.00 4.5 4
5050051.00 5.3 4
5050052.00 8.0 4
5050053.00 8.8 4
5050054.00 3.9 4
5050055.00 5.2 4
5050056.00 13.9 3
5050057.00 9.6 4
5050058.00 11.9 4
5050059.00 17.4 2
5050060.00 10.3 4
5050061.00 13.4 3
5050062.01 13.9 3
5050062.02 17.6 2
5050100.00 14.3 3
5050101.00 7.2 4
5050102.00 9.0 4
5050103.00 13.5 3
5050104.00 10.1 4
5050110.00 14.6 3
5050120.01 13.4 3
5050120.02 14.1 3
5050120.03 17.4 2
5050121.01 16.4 2
5050121.02 16.2 2
5050122.01 26.2 1
5050122.02 16.2 2
5050122.03 10.6 4
5050123.01 20.5 1
5050123.03 15.8 3
5050123.04 18.3 2
5050124.01 14.0 3
5050124.02 12.4 4
5050124.03 15.5 3
5050124.04 17.5 2
5050125.01 16.9 2
5050125.02 19.0 1
5050125.03 7.0 4
5050125.04 14.7 3
5050125.05 14.2 3
5050125.07 18.3 2
5050125.08 15.7 3
5050125.09 18.0 2
5050125.10 19.1 1
5050125.11 20.5 1
5050126.04 21.0 1
5050126.05 20.4 1
5050126.06 20.5 1
5050126.07 24.4 1
5050126.08 24.4 1
5050126.09 24.0 1
5050127.00 20.2 1
5050130.01 12.6 4
5050130.02 15.2 3
5050131.01 13.6 3
5050131.02 16.2 2
5050132.00 18.1 2
5050133.00 11.2 4
5050134.00 14.4 3
5050135.01 19.4 1
5050135.02 15.9 3
5050135.03 12.8 4
5050136.01 12.9 4
5050136.02 14.9 3
5050137.02 13.2 3
5050137.03 17.1 2
5050137.04 14.6 3
5050137.05 12.9 4
5050138.00 18.3 2
5050139.00 13.8 3
5050140.01 x 5
5050140.03 15.7 3
5050140.04 16.5 2
5050140.05 18.0 2
5050140.06 15.7 3
5050140.07 16.9 2
5050141.04 18.6 2
5050141.09 17.7 2
5050141.10 17.5 2
5050141.11 19.6 1
5050141.13 19.9 1
5050141.14 16.6 2
5050141.16 18.9 2
5050141.17 21.0 1
5050141.18 16.1 2
5050141.19 15.1 3
5050141.20 20.8 1
5050141.21 22.1 1
5050141.22 21.4 1
5050141.23 25.8 1
5050141.24 27.0 1
5050141.25 27.4 1
5050141.26 23.8 1
5050151.03 20.2 1
5050151.04 15.8 3
5050151.05 12.3 4
5050151.06 20.5 1
5050151.08 23.3 1
5050151.09 17.1 2
5050151.10 23.6 1
5050151.11 22.6 1
5050160.02 15.7 3
5050160.04 17.6 2
5050160.05 15.4 3
5050160.06 11.5 4
5050160.07 13.6 3
5050160.09 17.1 2
5050160.11 21.5 1
5050160.12 25.0 1
5050160.13 21.6 1
5050160.14 25.6 1
5050160.15 18.4 2
5050161.03 17.5 2
5050161.04 13.7 3
5050161.05 20.0 1
5050161.06 23.2 1
5050162.02 20.7 1
5050162.03 14.3 3
5050162.04 24.7 1
5050170.01 14.6 3
5050170.03 15.6 3
5050170.04 13.0 3
5050170.05 14.7 3
5050170.08 16.7 2
5050170.09 17.0 2
5050170.10 15.1 3
5050170.11 17.2 2
5050170.12 19.4 1
5050170.13 17.4 2
5050171.03 15.6 3
5050171.05 18.9 2
5050171.06 15.7 3
5050171.07 16.8 2
5050171.11 24.7 1
5050171.12 24.9 1
5050171.13 28.2 1
5050171.14 23.7 1
5050171.15 18.8 2
5050180.01 19.2 1
5050180.02 15.0 3
5050181.01 18.5 2
5050181.02 17.8 2
5050182.00 17.4 2
5050183.00 20.6 1
5050184.00 20.0 1
5050190.01 17.4 2
5050190.02 19.5 1
5050191.01 16.1 2
5050191.02 17.6 2
5050200.01 17.1 2
5050200.02 18.0 2
5050201.00 16.1 2
5050300.01 18.6 2
5050300.02 18.4 2
5050301.00 15.8 3
5050302.00 14.7 3
5050400.00 16.3 2
5050500.00 5.3 4
5050501.00 5.8 4
5050502.00 6.8 4
5050503.00 14.9 3
5050504.01 13.1 3
5050504.03 22.7 1
5050504.04 18.7 2
5050504.05 17.3 2
5050505.00 10.9 4
5050506.00 10.8 4
5050507.00 17.4 2
5050508.00 13.4 3
5050509.00 12.9 4
5050510.01 16.8 2
5050510.02 15.4 3
5050511.01 16.1 2
5050511.02 15.1 3
5050600.00 12.5 4
5050601.01 15.3 3
5050601.02 13.9 3
5050601.03 15.1 3
5050602.01 14.6 3
5050602.02 17.7 2
5050602.03 11.0 4
5050610.01 11.0 4
5050610.02 14.9 3
5050611.00 16.8 2
5050612.01 15.9 3
5050612.02 15.2 3
5050613.01 13.8 3
5050613.03 22.4 1
5050613.04 17.0 2
5050613.06 23.2 1
5050613.07 17.3 2
5050620.01 17.9 2
5050620.03 15.0 3
5050620.04 14.7 3
5050630.02 17.6 2
5050630.03 22.1 1
5050630.04 20.9 1
5050631.01 20.6 1
5050631.02 23.6 1
5050700.01 16.7 2
5050700.03 18.5 2
5050700.04 20.3 1
5050710.01 20.3 1
5050710.02 22.2 1
5050711.00 19.0 1
5050712.00 15.5 3
5050800.00 13.3 3
5050810.01 19.3 1
5050810.02 22.0 1
5050811.01 17.8 2
5050811.02 14.0 3
5050820.01 20.2 1
5050820.02 20.9 1
5050821.02 21.6 1
5050821.03 24.7 1
5050821.04 22.5 1
5050822.02 19.8 1
5050822.03 20.5 1
5050822.07 23.0 1
5050822.08 27.1 1
5050822.09 26.7 1
5050822.10 27.4 1
5050822.11 25.5 1
5050840.00 13.0 3
5050841.04 16.9 2
5050841.06 20.1 1
5050841.08 20.3 1
5050841.09 27.3 1
5050841.10 19.4 1
5050841.11 19.1 1
5050850.00 19.6 1
5050900.00 11.0 4
5050901.00 19.0 1
5050902.00 17.0 2
5050903.00 7.6 4
5050904.00 8.2 4
5050905.00 14.9 3
5050906.00 18.2 2
5050907.00 14.4 3
5050908.00 19.5 1
5050909.00 10.8 4
5051000.00 15.7 3
5051001.00 14.9 3
5052000.00 17.9 2
5052001.00 17.2 2
5052002.00 14.8 3
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